Energy Cords

Yumie Zein • July 27, 2021

All About Energy Cords

What are Cords?

The concept of cords has a basis in both the scientific and spiritual fields. From a scientific perspective, the theory of the Unified Quantum Field, which states that everything in existence is connected through one single energetic frequency, leads to the understanding that we are all connected to everything. Some connections are stronger than others because they have a more magnified energetic presence. These “connections” are referred to as “cords” in the spiritual world.

spiritual cords connection with energy

From a spiritual perspective, cords are seen as the connections we create or have created throughout current and previous lifetimes. Essentially, they’re an energetic pathway that connects us to someone else; in the current dimension or beyond. Cords can be created between any two people or even groups of people that have emotional relationships.

The mother-child cord is probably the strongest cord because it is not only energetic, but is a physical connection in the womb. Other cords can either be present with you from birth (if they are ancestral or from previous lives) or are created throughout your life as you build relationships. Cords are not physical, so distance makes no difference. Cords can be present no matter how far away you are from someone (even other lifetimes/dimensions). 

Another unique cord that doesn’t get frequently mentioned is the Ground Cord. This is an energetic connection from the root chakra to the core of the Earth that connects each of us to the planet and allows us to ground our energies. It also allows us to receive higher frequencies from the Earth.

How are Cords Created?

Cords are created every time we interact with others. The more intimate the connection, or the longer the relationship, the stronger the cord. cords can be formed from love and exist at a high frequency. When we have positive cords with someone, we can transfer love, blessings, and abundance to them, and them to us. Energy chords between soulmates, for example, would have strong, positive cords flowing between them.

Negative cords can also be formed, from negative means such as anger, fear, or manipulation. When we have negative cords with someone, it is possible to pick up on and feel their traumas, pain, anger and lower vibrational emotions, feelings, and thoughts. This is why it is important to recognize negative cords and clear them. 

How do you Work with Cords?

There are many ways to work with cords. Cords can be strengthened, replaced, repaired, severed or even created. The most important thing to be aware of is that your higher self/soul facilitates the process. Only that which you are ready and willing to do can happen. We are all sovereign beings with free will to choose.

Are there Good Cords and Bad Cords?

Yes! In the traditional sense of “good” and “bad”, it is hard to quantify because from an energetic perspective it is all just frequency. However, there are cords that exist at higher frequencies and cords that exist at lower frequencies. 

The cords at higher frequencies allow a relationship to maintain a higher vibration, so it results in a healthy, thriving connection. On the other hand, cords at lower frequencies pull down the vibration of those connected through that cord which results in a draining of energy (can be one-sided or a draining to both sides). This leads to unhealthy relationships that exhibit a lot of conflict and a negative holding pattern. 

Energy cords form between people or animals.

What does it Mean to Cut a Cord?

Unlike what some may think, cutting an energy cord does not mean ending the relationship. Cutting a cord involves eliminating the lower frequency connection that is no longer serving a person. In other words, cutting a cord involves raising a person’s vibrations in the area of the cord to a very high frequency that results in a disconnection from the other person’s lower energy. 

One way to do that is to bring in the energies of a higher vibrational being to perform that process, but there are other ways too. The concept remains the same. The energies of the cords are then sent back to their original owners because each side is vibrating at different frequencies now.


At other times, a cord may simply refuse to be cut because it is still serving a higher purpose. Cords can also grow back, especially if it is with someone that you are in contact with often. 

What are the Benefits of Working with your Cords?

Being aware and working with your cords is a big part of spiritual hygiene. By always making sure that your energy is clear of anything that is not serving you, whether it be cords, blocked energy centers, dense etheric body, etc, you allow your spiritual, mental and emotional bodies to operate with ease and flow. It allows you to not feel drained or stuck in a holding pattern.

Healing sessions can be done to strengthen, weaken, or realign cords. Its highly recommended to see an energy healing professional in order to start building your own awareness of your cords.

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