Workshops & Events

Click a category to find a workshop or event to help you on your personal journey!

Shamanic Journeying for Self Healing

with Elise D'Amico, a Chopra-certified instructor

When: 5 Saturdays Starting May 28 @ 11:00 am to 2 pm EST. Bonus meditation class 5 please allow for additional 30 minutes. 

Where: Zoom

Price: $350/pp

Class limit: 10 people

These classes are designed to be experiential. In this virtual class you will be learning how to Shamanic Journey to the Upper, Lower and Middle Worlds. These are active meditations which allow a window into your Soul or higher self. You will be given the tools and safeguards for a safe environment for Spiritual Healing. You will learn the proper way to interact with your Spirit helpers and those who may not be. There will be office hours open to schedule time for any questions or resistance you may experience. Please note you will be required to practice and journal your experiences during the process 3x per week. 

  1. Lesson One: Creating Space, Holding and Containing Space & Journey in the Middle World. 
  2. Lesson Two: Journey into the Lower World
  3. Lesson Three: Power Animal Retrieval and Understanding the benefits and how to build a relationship with your Spirit Helpers. Dancing your power Animal. 
  4. Lesson Four: Journey to Upper World where your master teachers reside. This is where you will find Healing
  5. Lesson Five: How to ask Spirit for healing. Questions, Comments Concerns and Sharing within the group.  + Bonus Meditation: Connecting to your higher self to feel the presence of the Divine. Plan an extra 30 minutes on Week 5

Note: if you are interested in this course as a private session, the course price is $600.00. This will require alternate dates and times.

Conversations with Jesua

featuring Trance Channel, Carol Collins

When: Every other Thursday 7-9PM Eastern

Where: via zoom

Cost: $55

These events are your opportunity to engage directly with Jeshua in a Q&A format and are nonstop channeled conversation where your questions guide the event. Their teaching will amaze you. Jeshua begins each workshop teaching on a topic of their choice to enlighten you on who they are or some aspect of learning how to live a happier, healthier life. Afterwards, they open the balance of time for questions on any topic that is important to you.

A Course In Miracles - Explained (a 12 week program)

with Trance channel, Carol Collins

Level - all students, no pre-requisites

Format - Virtual

Date/Time - Every Tuesday evening 5-6pm EST

Cost - $300 per semester (12 classes)

Semester 2: starts April 12

Semester 3: starts July 5

Semester 4: starts October 4

Reality is the one you create for yourself. ACIM is explained by the being who wrote the book

alongside the guide of each participant. Concepts, terms, living the art of allowing, healing the mind from unwanted beliefs, and plenty of Q&A. There are many ACIM courses but none that are taught by Jeshua through channeled discussions. 

* With unlimited access to Spiritually Led Journey Facebook Study Group.

The Art of Self-Healing (a 12 week program)

with Trance Channel, Carol Collins

Level - all students, no pre-requisites.

Format - Virtual

Date/Time - Every Tuesday evening 7-8pm EST

Cost - $300 per session (12 classes each, 4 semesters per year)

Session 2 starts April 5

Session 3 starts July 12

Session 4 starts October 4

1-hour class once a week for 12 weeks. When you intentionally direct Chi by the use of internal healing properties called vortexual points, you can speed up the healing process - mental, emotional, and physical - by a little or a lot depending on your attunement and your practice of it. 

Jeshua teaches you how. 

* With unlimited access to Jeshua's Source Led Living Facebook Group dedicated to the art of self-healing.

Unfoldment into Channeling (a 12 week program)

with Trance Channel, Carol Collins

Level - all students, no pre-requisites

Format - Virtual

Date/Time - Every Monday evening 7-8:30pm EST

Cost - $300 per session (12 classes each, 4 semesters per year)

Session 2 starts April 4

Session 3 starts July 11

Session 4 starts September 12

90-minute class once a week for 12 weeks. Classes follow a program designed by Seth to increase your ability to receive, clarity in that receiving, and accuracy on what your guide is conveying to you. 

* With unlimited access to Seth's Unfoldment Facebook Group.

4 Weeks to your Best Life

with Empowerment Coach, Roger Burnley

WHEN: ongoing - you can start anytime and then 1 zoom call / week (multiple day/time options)


COST: $498

Your Purpose Revealed:

Are you ready to discover your life purpose, and create the life of your dreams? In this revolutionary system, you will learn to build security, confidence, and decisiveness into your life. You will learn the tools to manifest abundance, to attract the love of your life, and solve any problem you have (or ever will have). Begin your first four weeks here, the most important foundations to my ultimate life-changing series, "Your Life Operating Instructions."


  • New assignments each day (for 30 days)
  • 4 Weekly Zoom Calls (attend any available day / time)
  • Supportive Community
  • Direct Feedback
  • Money-Back Guarantee*

*restrictions apply

(note: link will take you to an affiliate site)

Awakening of the Sovereign Feminine... A Circle Gathering to Restore the Sacred

with the New Human Coach, Sheila Cash

Awakening of the Sovereign Feminine...

A Circle Gathering to Restore the Sacred

with the New Human Master Coach, Sheila Cash

Many of us are Aware that we are living through a most auspicious of times. Perhaps as a result of the utter chaos and confusion in the outer world, our inner world is crying out for Release, Remembering, Renewal. For a Lived Experience of what we sense is True within our Deepest Selves. An Embodiment of the Sacred Knowing of our Inherent Worth and Dignity.

Within our cellular memories lie the Rites of Passage that Honor the cycles of our own journeys as Unique Expressions of the Divine Feminine. Although this ancient wisdom is tucked away underneath centuries of oppression of the Feminine, as Awakening Women, we are Reclaiming our Divine birthright as Sovereign Beings, who hold the keys to our own Liberation.

As the old is crumbling, we long for the new to be Born in us and through us. But how will this be? What will it take? Where do we begin?

We begin right here, right now, Together in Community. We begin by Gathering in Sacred Circle with our Sisters as the Womb of Creation. Where what is no longer useful can be Witnessed, Healed, and Surrendered. Where what is most needed to Co-Create our New Future can be Visioned, Claimed, and Called Forth.

Have you been longing for a non-partisan, interfaith Community in which to immerse yourself in Body Wisdom - Heart Opening - Soul Connection?

Together, WE are uniting in our Feminine Power to uplift and awaken ourselves and support one another in the TRUTH of who we are.

We will be gathering once per month through June 2022. You may attend one or as many as you feel called to. Mark your calendar for these dates...April 17, May 15, June 12

We Lovingly Invite you to Join us in the Awakening of the Sovereign Feminine!

Superconsciousness Think Tank

with Sheila Cash

WHEN: coming in April or May - weekly sessions


COST: $coming soon

Join us to step into a wholly new level of attunement to our collective superhuman capacities. Discoveries abound in this multi-dimensional expedition from the timelessness of our origination point to infinity future, we are diving deep to understand the roots of the questions we’ve all been asking about life. 

In our warm group of thinkers from all walks around the globe, shared mind has been bringing revelations and inner knowing for the way forward. Resonance of the whole brings synergy - this is how you access the leading edge of consciousness. Be ready for broader truths as you become multi-perspectival along the way. The potency of this practice is exponential. 

The only prerequisite is a thirst to expand! Get on our list now to be notified when we open the doors for our 2022 collective genius experience! (Please note "think tank" in your response)

Express Interest in Other Future Events and Workshops

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Transpersonal Wellness Coaching Certification with Mary Lee LaBay: Advanced Skills for Soulful Practitioners

WHEN: Beginning January 15


Cost: $2450

Are your clients asking you for a deeper soulful experience?

Imagine being the one they turn to when seeking their inner wisdom, their long-lost soul energy, and their spirit guides.

This 100-hour certification course is a stand-alone professional training program.  Click the link below to learn more and/or register for the course.

Register Now

Open Mic Night

with Aideen Ni Riada

WHEN: Next session TBA - express interest in a future session below and we'll notify you!



Listen or bring a song to share your voice with us!

A different theme each session!

Unlock the Soul of your Business - A 7 Week Mentorship Program

When:  Next series TBA - express interest below

Duration: 7 weeks

Group size: 10

Investment: $333

By connecting to the vibration of your own soul you will get unstuck, get back into your creative flow and attract the right clients!

Do you wish you could attract your ideal clients with more ease and fun?

Are you so careful to not be pushy that you're holding back from consistently promoting your business?

Is speaking about yourself in networking groups a cause of stress and anxiety?

If you’re a spiritual, heart-centred entrepreneur who would love to be seen as an expert in your field then this 7 week mentoring program is for you!

Get confident about how to attract clients with ease

Clearly explain the transformation that you get with clients and the value of your work

Raise the energy and vibration of your voice to speak clearly to the heart of your clients

Reconnect with your creativity and flow through sounds & divine mantras to boost your problem solving skills

This program will help you to have confidence in refining your message and building your reputation in person and online.

This 7 week mentoring program will be fun and transformative! Join us!

Includes: weekly mentoring in a small group, intentions and manifestation tools, divine mantras to connect to abundance PLUS a recorded guided meditation for daily use

Aideen blends psychology, spirituality and singing to uncover the treasure of YOUR voice. 

She is an Intuitive ‘Find Your Voice’ Coach who helps heart-centered entrepreneurs to speak up and share their gifts. She has extensive experience and qualifications including Diplomas in Public Relations, Meditation and a Degree in Psychological Studies. She is currently evolving and expanding her wisdom through Divine Mentoring with The Indian School of Natural Spiritual Sciences.

Re-wire for Weight Loss (a 3 month program)

with Dr. Sandra Schur

WHEN: New Weekly sessions begin TBA


COST: $497


Tap into the power of your emotional mind so you feel empowered, satisfied and fulfilled while making healthy food choices and losing excess weight.

Click "learn more" to get special bonuses!

Check back regularly for updates!

We will be announcing upcoming workshops, classes, live events and more from our community!






































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