12 Ways to Keep Your Holidays HAPPY

JoAnna Brandi • December 23, 2021

12 Ways to Keep Your Holidays Happy

The holiday season is upon us and this Happiness Coach, yes me, JoAnna Brandi, wants to share a few of her favorite ways you can keep it happy. As the Chief Happiness Officer, I have a few helpful tips, affirmations and reminders to manifest happiness and reduce stress this holiday season. Of course things like eating healthy and spending time with family and friends can be a sure thing to help manage stress and increase your serotonin levels this season, but here are some extra reminders for you to try out this time of the year.

Below I've listed 12 things for you to try to keey you happy TODAY. Click the arrow on the right hand side to read more about each tip I've provided.

  • 1. Remember to BREATHE. Take 3 conscious breaths when you start feeling frazzled.

    Meditation, mindfulness and breathwork. We've all heard of it at this point! It's become a trend in the past years as we shift as a human community to a more mental-health focused society.

    I encourage you to take a minute right now and just sit. Close your eyes, disconnect yourself, and breath. 

    In through your nose, and out through your mouth. 

  • 2. Choose LOVE. Given the opportunity to argue, don’t.

    Go to your heart and choose to feel love instead. It’s useful to put your hand right on your heart and evoke the feeling.

  • 3. Don’t believe everything you think.

    Most of it’s recycled from yesterday. Challenge what you are thinking. Is it going to get where you want to go?

  • 4. You get what you focus on.

    Notice where your attention is going – is that where you want it to go? If not, shift it.

  • 5. At the end of the day write down at least 3 things you are grateful for and feel them deeply.

    Journaling is a great way to really get out your thoughts. You can think about things all day long, but getting them down on a physical piece of paper hits different. So what are you waiting for?! Give it a try!

  • 6. Really get into the spirit of giving.

    How much goodness can you share? How much goodness can you take in?

    Its actually psychologically proven that giving, sharing and making others feel happy is contagious and in turn can make you become naturally happier. 

    There are hormones in us that we acquire biologically. Oxytocin and vasopressin are two hormones that promote generosity and love towards others. They say the more you give, converse and laugh with others, the more likely you are to increase these levels and become a happier person. Although the natural amount of these hormones that one possess varies from person to person, it still can be increased by giving. So, try to give a little extra this season and make someone's day with a small gift.

  • 7. Remember, there is a difference between reacting and responding.

    If you want to make sure your holidays are happy, practice making a positive choice in the second between the two.

  • 8. Peace can be a conscious choice.

    Practice that choice a lot this time of year.

  • 9. Look for new ways to appreciate those in your life.

    Go out of your way to let them know how they are valued. Go deeper. Give thanks!

  • 10. Ask yourself, “What habits, thoughts, feelings and actions are in my Voluntary Control that will elevate my state of being?”

    I’ll bet there are lots!

  • 11. Remember, this is the season of Light.

    How can you be a light in the world? Practice beaming that light!

  • 12. Remember that when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.

    Create some new ways of seeing things. 

Let me take this opportunity to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to you! Thank you for reading and practicing my work. Thank you for passing along my messages. Thank you for helping to spread the words about the importance of positivity in the word. Together we make this place a better world.

manage stress

favorite holiday

eat healthy

enjoy the holidays

tis the season

time of the year

feel stressed

holiday season

holiday stress

family and friends

spend time


Keywords to include elsewhere:






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