Understanding Shamanic Healing: For All My Relations

Amy Hunt • September 15, 2021

Understanding Shamanic Healing: For All My Relations

To some, shamanism may find itself associated with native or indigenous practices. To others, it’s a deeper calling to share a transformational journey towards health, from a spiritual Source, in connection with others. Shamanic practices have occurred over thousands of years and share roots from the ancient perception of spiritual elements within nature. Shamanic healing, therefore, brings us in connection to the common Eternal Power that not only gives life, but also calls us to heal and unite with others.

When I answered the call to attend my first shaman's retreat, I was unsure of what to expect. Being that this was my first time attending any kind of shamanism practice, I knew I had better go in without expectations or fears. Personally, it turned out to be well worth my efforts.

At first glance, shamanic practices exhibited quite a range: dreamwork, sweat lodges, tobacco ceremonies, sound baths, trance dances, womb healing, storytelling, and more. However, past these ritualistic behaviors there was a deeper meaning connecting every practice, which began revealing itself after the camp concluded: connection with one another. Connecting to all that is alive - people, animals, Earth, and even myself - was what every practice had in common.

The Call To Heal: Shamanic Slogans Explained

Instead of summarizing each individual type of shamanic practice, it’s my intention to encapsulate the overall meaning shared among each type of shamanic practice. My eyes were opened when I began to understand the meaning of a shamanic slogan. These slogans were verbally repeated the most in the sweat lodge, but more importantly, honored conceptually throughout all shamanic events. 

"For all my relations” was at first a mystery slogan to me, but now it has become my prayer. When entering, exiting, and throughout the sweat ceremony, "for all my relations" appeared to be the default prayer and served as an indication of passing one's turn. Yet, it was through all the other ceremonies together, that I came to understand it's powerful meaning.

Relations reveal themselves when it is time to heal, to grow, to become more. These relations act as catalysts that connect us to something greater. Likewise, shamans guide others in regards to these relations for the purpose of healing.

Shamanic healing can take place on any level: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, generational, communal, etc. Many times healing is sought as an inward, personal journey, relieving the soul of its diseases. However, "for all my relations" means all relations - all levels of being. Therefore, healing oneself includes healing for all one's relations. To be clear, however, it is not healing the other individual; it is healing one's relation to that individual.

What Happens During a Shamanic Healing Session

Ancient, tribal communities paved the way for shamanic tradition to show us healing via symbolism, movement, and demonstration. A shaman is a servant who conducts a transcendent connection for the purpose of holistic care. In this way, shamanic practices enable the client to journey to this realm for the purpose of profound healing.

Smudging¹ may occur to clear the energy field; prayers to animals or other natural spirits may occur which calls forth helpful, archetypal energies; drumming may occur which brings the brain to a different state of consciousness; soul retrieval may be used to call back the parts of a person that were separated by a major wound. All techniques a shaman uses within a session are intended to benefit the client's spiritual health.

By following the call to healing, the journey may involve facing some uncomfortable memories, wounds, or other areas needing growth. Having a shaman to direct this inward journey helps one to go beyond the depths we would otherwise not dare to go. 

What to Expect from Shamanic Healing

In a shamanic healing session, the attendee is invited to experience something that is beyond this realm but includes all the relations we experience within this realm. Furthermore, shamanism is a way to understand healing in regards to all our relations and how each prompts one to heal. This kind of opportunity provides healing not only for the self, but in turn for the whole. 

Healing is calling. Taking seriously the responsibility to heal on a personal level will indeed reflect through the shared energy field the same call to heal within other members of Earth. As the Earth is the soul's school, we enter these relations, positioned carefully among our life's journey, to help us move internally. By "move", I mean to take steps dedicated to soul development and evolution. 

Today, shamanic practitioners are answering the call to embrace positive change for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. This healing benefit is beyond the personal journey: each individual doing their own personal healing work serves to benefit the whole. It’s in this way that spiritual healing occurs both individually and universally.

Learn more about Shamanism and how healing rituals can boost your well-being.
Shamanic Services

¹ Smudging: Originally practiced by Native Americans, smudging is a purification ritual that involves igniting a bundle of dried herbs and waving the smoke to purify people or spaces; a similar concept to modern-day sage burning. Metaphorically, this ritual is said to renew, reset and cleanse the body, the mind and the spirit for overall healing.

What is smudging? Smudging explained. What is smudging in shamanic healing?

altered states of consciousness

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shamanic studies

originates from the tungusic

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religious practice

indigenous culture

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shamanism practitioners

shamanism is an ancient

word shamanism

north asia

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term shamanism

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