Relationships Are Everything: Perspective and Intuition

Cheryl Scheidt • October 13, 2021

Perspectives Influence Relationships: An Alternative Approach

Human beings have an innate desire to connect and build relationships. Whether it be family, friendships, romance, or coworkers, these relationships play a major role in our well-being. Although it is not always easy, it is vital to keep them positive and healthy. 

Most conflicts do not stem from fundamental incompatibility, but from two parties being unable or unwilling to appreciate each other’s perspective or understand each other’s needs. 

Most would look to a couple’s counselor, psychologist, or executive coach to receive a traditional evaluation on the situation.

However, there is currently a shortage of mental health practitioners - 1 practitioner to every 10,000 people globally - so they aren’t always available.

Secondly, many mental health practitioners no longer take insurance which increases the cost burden. An alternative to relationship management can be an Intuitive Coach.

An intuitive, usually a practicing psychic medium, spiritual coach, or relationship coach can offer their insight from a unique perspective to improve your relationship.

Relationships are everything, accepting yourself in relationships

These practitioners are an extremely beneficial intermediary to help provide perspective. They connect with the Universe and are able to see “both sides of the story” and provide us with insights that can dissolve conflicts and bridge divides.

Because psychics and mediums are picking up on the contents of your own unconscious, delving into your unique energy field, the information that comes through is tailored specifically for your ears - and more brutally honest. Masters, teachers, Angels, guides and even the spirits of those passed on communicate truths to us “in our own language.” They phrase things in just such a way that we may grasp what we are not hearing from the mouth of our opponent.

Furthermore, these messages come directly through spirit, whereas traditional therapy may take weeks, months, and years to pull the answers out of you. These guides can act as an objective third party which ultimately leads to an alternative method for improving relationships.

A Change in Perspective

It is much easier to get along with others— even those with whom we disagree— when we are able to relate to, or at least recognize, where they are coming from. When we understand the intent, we are in a better position to react and respond. Often the only way to move beyond trauma, resentment, or grief is to appreciate the humanity in the one who has hurt us. Intuitives help us understand the underlying motivations of people in our lives— even those who have been unkind or deceitful. This understanding brings us a sense of empathy, helping us to move on with our lives peacefully. 

An intuitive reveals not merely who did what, but much more importantly— why. When we see that the one who has hurt us did so because of a troubled childhood, or when we see that what appeared to be outright aggression was actually fear of abandonment, this moves us a step closer to bridging the gap between ourselves and others.

Our reactions to situations are based on our own traumas and experiences. We do not always take into consideration where the other person is coming from or what their intention is.

"At the end of the day, everyone’s a mirror, and everyone’s here to show you something about yourself.”

-Yasmin Elzomor

Relationship Coach

Perspective as Connection

When you have a better sense of someone’s history, you can empathize with their actions and appreciate their approach to any given situation. Maybe the reason that people hurt others is because they themselves have been hurt, this helps us find healthy detachment from the situation so that we can leave it in the past. Insight about another’s perspective goes a long way to guide us in empathy, allowing us to have more positive relationships.

Couples counselor

Mental health

Relationship management

Improve your relationship

family members

manage stress

medical advice diagnosis or treatment

source of stress

healthy relationship

point of view

problem solving

negative impact

resolving conflict

purposes only

conflict resolution

stress levels

work through conflict

agree to disagree

health professional

interpersonal conflict

long term, active listener, romantic partners

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