Finding Purpose through Intuitive Readings

Mary West & Meghan Hermes • September 23, 2021

Intuitive Readings Can Help You Find Your Purpose

We hear much about the importance of our physical health, emotional health, and mental health. We know that in order to be happy we need to eat well, exercise, communicate our feelings and nourish our minds. 

But what about spiritual health? Is there such a thing as spiritual well-being? What can we do to take care of ourselves spiritually?

Spiritual well-being involves developing an intuitive sense of the bigger picture in one’s life. When we are spiritually healthy, we have a better understanding of the purpose of our activities and our lives feel rich with meaning. One can be spiritually healthy even in hard times— and indeed, spirituality is often the raft that carries us through the stormiest seas. 

A sense of meaning brings hope and encouragement. Understanding a hardship in your life can wildly transform your perspective. So much so, that a reading focused on your purpose can help you to be grateful for the things you had been the most resentful of in the first place. When you find a spiritually healthy perspective, a “dark soul” can be transmuted into the accomplishment you are the most proud of in your life. With hardship, comes growth. 

The purpose of an
intuitive reading is to provide these kinds of explanations and insights that help broaden your perspective surrounding an area of your life. Intuitive readers reach into the realms beyond the physical plane and bring back information that changes the way we think about our circumstances. In this way, they are stewards of spiritual health. 

There are many ways in which Intuitive readers channel information. Psychic Mediums and Akashic Readers often use their clair senses, which are types of psychic abilities that correspond with the five senses. A clairvoyant channels information, not from individualized entities, but from higher planes of reality. Clairvoyants have visions or see symbolic representations of information that they then translate into words. Clairaudients hear information as though someone is speaking. Clairsentients experience a strong inner knowing and unravel the large “downloads'' of information they receive intuitively. 

Tarot Readers

Tarot card readers observe the patterns of energy that are most active in your current field, revealing how you’re truly thinking, feeling and projecting your energy in a given situation. The cards show an energetic reflection of you, and indicate how this energy is materializing into future potential pathways. They can also be considered a mindset tool as the cards may encourage new thought processes surrounding these energies and emotions that you may not have considered previously.

Psychic Mediums

A psychic medium, on the other hand, is a vessel for independent consciousnesses that exist on the planes beyond the material. These can include our loved ones who have passed or spirit guides who are watching over and helping us on our life path. Independent entities speak through a psychic medium, but they are not part of the medium. These non-physical beings communicate their own perspectives as unique, individuated entities with their own values and personalities.

Akashic Records

Readers of the Akashic records access a field of information which exists within higher energetic planes. This vibrational library catalogues the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘why’ of everything that has ever materialized— as well as everything that could ever materialize! In this library lies the energetic imprint of everything anyone has ever done, thought, said, felt or dreamt.

So, Which is Best for You?

The intuitive reading you choose depends on your needs, desires or goals. There are many different types of readings and psychic services, each suited to a different purpose. Readings from any intuitive should be motivational and inspirational to empower your purpose. From these readings we gain physical and mental orientation. We see what to do next and how to view our situation in the most productive way. We see how we are behaving now, and how this will progress if we continue down the current trajectory. 

Sometimes what we really need for our spiritual health is a deep excavation of the past. We need to understand what happened and what was motivating the people who were involved. Receiving information from a higher perspective enables us to leave the past in the past. This information gives us the insight required to move beyond our trauma or find compassion for others that leads to personal growth and transformation. 

We also can come to understand what we gained or learned from these situations and what “the whole point of it” was. These shifts in perspective can be immensely uplifting and energizing as we move forward, as the dawning of understanding lifts the misty haze of confusion. 

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