3 Ways to Develop Your Intuition

Meghan Hermes • November 17, 2021

3 Ways to Develop Your Intuition

Have you ever had that feeling when you just know the right answer or decision before you even make it? That inner voice, gut feeling, or hunch is your intuition. Intuition is an inner knowing that cannot be explained by logic or conscious thoughts.

These knowings come from your higher self. “My guides showed me that the higher self is like a daisy,” says Cheryl Pillar, the DC Medium. Each life you live on Earth - each incarnation - is just like a pedal on a daisy. It is a part of the whole. That pedal is forever connected to it's floral head as your soul is always connected to it's higher self - sharing information, receiving instruction, sending learnings.

Your higher self is the you that is whole. You have lived many lives and hold the learning and understanding of your purpose. 

Our higher self consulted the Divine and your guides and set your mission and vision so that you can continuously learn and evolve. With this guidance, your higher self sets your spiritual contract -  your goals and objectives for this life and all lives. Your higher self WROTE your life plan, and intuition is simply divine direction from your higher self.

Your intuition can guide you and connect you to the highest form of truth, which is why developing it is so important.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

- Albert Einstein

Here are 3 exercises you can use to connect with your higher self and develop your intuition:

1. Automatic Writing

Automatic writing, also known as psychography, is the practice of connecting into your higher self or soul without using your conscious mind. This makes automatic writing a wonderful way to gain life-changing or life-affirming guidance! 

The process is simple. 

  1. Write down a question. It can be broad-based or specific. For example, “How can I best advance my career?” Or “How can I be happier?”
  2. With your intention set, meditate and connect with your higher self. 
  3. Write down whatever enters your mind, even if it makes no sense. Your higher self may be answering a question that is in your highest good vs one you actually asked! You will be taking dictation from your higher self. Don't think about what you are writing - just write. 
  4. Once you've finished writing, go back and take a look at what you've written. You may end up with a lot of nonsense and ramblings from your subconscious mind. But you might also find a few words of wisdom tucked away among the junk. You may even get the answer to your question!

2. Practice with a partner

Another way to develop your intuition is by practicing using your Clairs with a partner - this can be a friend, family, colleague or another person interested in developing their own skill. 

The key clairs you may use in this exercise are:

  • Clairsentience (clear feeling) - gut feelings, empathy, physical sensations 
  • Claircognizance (clear knowing) – “I don't know how I know but I know" 
  • Clairaudience (clear hearing) – usually telepathy vs external communication
  • Clairvoyance (clear seeing) – images in your mind's eye (like a daydream)

Sit facing each other close enough to be in each other's energetic space. Ask your partner to come up with a situation that occurred in the past that is vivid and emotionally-charged. For about 5 minutes, have your partner mentally and energetically push the information to you. Focus and pull or receive that information from your partner. If your partner is a close friend or family member, ask them to think about something that you wouldn’t be able to guess. Note anything that you feel, think, hear, or “know” about your partner. Discuss what you wrote down with your partner and see how you did! Then switch roles!

3. Document and Analyze your Experience

Any time your gut tells you something - whether it be in line with your head/heart or different than – make a note of it. Then indicate what decision you actually made. Did you go with your gut? Did you go with your head? Then what was the outcome? What did you learn from that? 

Trust yourself and trust your gut. If your gut is generally right, start following it more. If your gut is  generally wrong, try to figure out what's causing it to be wrong (usually fear based). Here’s a worksheet that can help you see the trends.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right at first. Developing your intuition takes time, practice, and patience. Once you become more comfortable with trusting your intuition, it will become your greatest secret weapon.

gut feeling

pay attention

physical sensations

subconscious mind

intuition speaks

trusting your intuition


Claircognizance, Clairaudience


conscious thoughts

automatic writing session

spirit guided

conscious awareness

spirit world

practice automatic writing

extrasensory perception

future events

ability to perceive

predicted the future

easily read

hearing voices

psychic medium

gut feelings

bottom line. clairsentient abilities

spirit guides

psychic abilities, sensing and feeling

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