Manifestation 101: What is it and How Does it Work?

Amber Pattillo • July 7, 2021

Manifestation 101: What is it and how does it work?

Although manifestation is not a new topic, it has recently become an extremely popular practice. It has even marked its place in the top 1% of words being researched on (7/6/21). As this subject continues to grow in the media, it’s important for new spiritual seekers that are currently wanting to learn more about manifestation to understand how it really works. 

So what is Manifestation, anyway?

Spiritually, manifestation is when your thoughts and energy come together to create your reality. In this sense, we as humans are extremely powerful because we all have the ability to create and “manifest” our desires. Anything we truly focus on and put our energy towards can be ours, but it’s all about mindset and intention turned into action. 


Positive Energy

Manifestation starts with the mind. Just like the law of attraction suggests, positive energy attracts positive energy, so ensuring that your energy matches the energy you want to attract is very important. The same goes for negative energy. What you put out into the world, you will receive. This is why the very first step to manifesting is to take quiet time to process and reflect on where you are at in life, focusing especially on your thoughts and feelings. 


Negative Energy

Noticing negativity or limiting beliefs coming up as you think about your goals is a sign that you need to release as much negative energy from your life as possible, so that you don’t end up accidentally manifesting what you DON’T want. Take the time to clear your mind, and you’ll be much better prepared for the journey ahead. 


If you’ve ever heard someone say they’re already “having a really bad day” at 8AM, they are likely to carry this “bad mood” with them throughout the rest of their day. This stressful energy and negative mindset will often lead that person to manifest a negative experience for themselves. 


Alternatively, when someone is late for work and forgot their lunch, they may feel discouraged and be more vulnerable to alter their thoughts and feelings, leading to a “bad day”. However, just by taking an extra moment to accept what has already occurred, do some deep breathing, buy a snack from the vending machine, or even repeat positive affirmations before continuing into their normal routine, they will likely be in a much better position to turn their day around. 


Taking time every day for this practice does increase your probability of creating what you want, but it’s also important to remember that while focusing on your mindset is critical, it’s not all that goes into Manifestation. By intentionally shifting your mindset and actively thinking about your desires and how to achieve them, you’re much more likely to put in the work to get there. 

pieces of paper for manifestation

Intention Turned into Action

Arguably, the most important step to manifestation is actually turning your intentions into actions. It doesn’t matter how much you want something if you never take the physical steps to make it happen. Visualizing your intentions allows the universe to bring you in alignment with all the necessary resources to turn your dreams into reality. It’s there to support you, not do all the work for you. If you don’t know what action steps to take, tune into your intuition to help decide where to start and what to do. 

Say you’re looking for a new romantic relationship. No matter how much visualizing, intention setting, and meditation you do, you’re not going to find a new partner if all you do is stay home alone all day watching T.V.

Furthermore,  if you choose not to take actions based on the insight you learn about yourself, the awareness you gain, and the emotional/mental healing you do, your life will become much worse, not better. 

Your inspired action is the key to manifesting your desires and creating your dream life. So, don’t be afraid of change and take action in your life!

witch brew and spell book for magic

Is Manifestation Considered Magic?

One of the most common misconceptions is that Manifestation is magic. This is simply not true. Thinking or saying what you want out loud will not cause a giant stack of cash to be delivered to your doorstep tomorrow morning. Like anything else in life, you have to take action.


Think of manifestation as a mindset tool. Your mind is the greatest creator there is. While there isn’t a, “how to” book on how to live your best life, manifestation is a very useful practice that you can utilize to better understand your inner power to create the life you want for yourself. 

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