All About Full Moons

Meghan Hermes • August 18, 2021

All About Full Moons

What is the Full Moon?

The full moon marks the end of the lunar cycle. It occurs when the Earth is located in between the sun and the moon, causing the moon to shine in its fullest and brightest state.

Lunar Cycle Diagram for Full Moon energy, August Full Moon

All of the energies that have been building up during the lunar cycle undergo an energy release during the “climax” of the full moon. Emotions, feelings, mental processes, and dreams are all amplified, which is why it tends to be more of a chaotic time - it’s an energy overflow! 

It’s completely normal to feel disrupted, anxious, and emotional. The radiant beams of the full moon light up the night sky brighter than usual, causing people to get less sleep - no wonder everyone’s on edge!

Types of Full Moons

The full moon occurs monthly, but each has a slightly different focus from both an astrological and a Farmer’s Almanac perspective. The moon is fully illuminated during this phase with each month’s moon representing different meanings.

August 22, 2021 at 8:02 PM EST - Sturgeon Moon

Also called the Green Corn Moon, this full moon is a seasonal Blue Moon. This doesn't mean the moon literally turns blue, because it doesn't, it just refers to the second of two full moons in the same month. 

Moon Sign: Aquarius

You may feel a strong need for emotional freedom at this time, although your personal relationship with your emotions may be complicated, try to release feelings of fear, jealousy or anger. 

September 20, 2021
at 7:55 PM EST - Harvest Moon

Depending on the timing of the Fall Equinox (this year on September 22), the Harvest Moon is given to the full moon in either September or October. Whichever month’s moon lies closest to the Equinox wins, this year it falls closer in September. 

Moon Sign: Pisces

Feelings of insecurity may be approaching during this full moon as it has the greatest sensitivity out of all the moons. You can benefit from spiritual search and creativity during this time.

October 20, 2021
at 10:57 AM EST - Hunter’s Moon

This full moon is bright and is generally associated with a special honor. Historically, this moon represents feast day in both Western Europe and Native American trips. 

Moon Sign: Aries

The feeling of uncertainty may overcome you this fall, but it can make you solve problems much faster than normal. With this ability to resolve, be sure to take the time you need. Decide what you want before proceeding at full speed.

November 19, 2021
at 3:58 AM EST - Frost Moon

Also called the beaver moon, this full moon features a partial Lunar Eclipse peaking around 4:04 AM EST and will last for about 3.5 hours. 

Moon Sign: Taurus

Accept change as a part of your life. Satisfy your stability via self-respect, but watch out for justifying your self respect through material things. 

December 18, 2021 at 11:36 PM EST - Cold Moon

Also called the Oak Moon, this is the last full moon of the year. This moon is traditionally called the “Cold Moon” for obvious reasons: it’s usually when it starts to really get cold.

Moon Sign: Gemini

Represents the need for change and spontaneous activity. Feel free to open up to friends and family during this time, as thinking and sharing feelings at this time can bring harmony and ease. 

all about the full moon and august full moon

Full Moon Energies

Although the moon is only full for a brief moment, the energy of the full moon lasts about three days. Keep in mind that all energies are heightened during the full moon - good and bad. 

This is why it’s important to remain conscious and mindful of your mood and emotions, as well as the people you surround yourself with - as their energies will also be amplified and likely projected onto you. Use the full moon energies to your advantage by lifting your vibrations beforehand, and surrounding yourself with positive people. 

If you’re feeling confused or wanting to learn more about moon energies, start with basic astrology by learning about moon signs.

How to Prepare for the Full Moon

There are important steps to take prior to the full moon to raise your vibration and align well with the moon’s energy. The gleaming light of the full moon shines light on your inner darkness, pushing your issues to the surface and forcing you to deal with anything you've been suppressing. 

While the
new moon is perfect for focusing on what you do want, the full moon is the time to focus on what you don’t want or need in your life. Do some inner work and reflecting to find out what needs to be released. Let go of any toxic patterns, thoughts, habits, or people that no longer serve your highest purpose. Release any fear, jealousy, guilt or disappointment you may carry. Practice cutting chords, as it can help clear these negative energies and create a clean slate for yourself. 

The full moon is also the time that any seed you planted during the new moon will come into fruition. Show gratitude to the universe for these
manifestations that came to be. Focus on your blessings and be mindful of all that you have. Another important theme of the full moon is forgiveness. 

Forgiveness is an important factor in your growth and happiness, and in order to let go, you must first forgive. It is important to not only forgive others, but forgive yourself to achieve personal growth.

Do’s and Don’t of the the Full Moon

Do perform rituals 

  • Moon bath, meditation, smoke cleansing, and yoga are all great rituals to perform under the full moon.

Do charge your crystals

  • The full moon is the perfect time to cleanse/charge your spiritual tools and crystals. Just lay them out in the moonlight (can be outside or on a window sill). Depending on the type of tool/crystal, some can be left out all night, and some don’t do well in the sunlight and should be brought back in before morning. Set an intention for your crystals, thinking about how you wish for them to support you.

Do make moon water

  • Making moon water is a powerful tool that can be used for various rituals. Simply fill a jar with water and similar to your crystals, leave it out in the moonlight. Set an intention for your moon water as well. Some people prefer to use fresh rain water, but any water is fine (unless you plan to drink it, then make sure it's safe to drink!). 

Do have healing sessions

  • The full moon is a great time for healing, so consider performing or receiving a Reiki, energy, or shamanic healing session. 

Don’t start new projects

  • The full moon is not the time to start new projects, overwork/stress, or make big-decisions.

Don’t manifest things into your life

  • You should not be trying to manifest things into your life during the full moon, as it is a time for releasing and fruition. 

The unique and beautiful full moon only comes around once a month, so be sure to take advantage of its powerful energies, and spend some time soaking up those wondrous moon beams! 

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